Board of Supervisors
The Board of Supervisors is the governing body of the county. One Supervisor is elected from each of the five districts in the county to serve a four-year term. The Board is responsible for adopting an annual budget, establishing the annual property tax rate, setting policies, goals and objectives to direct the county’s growth and development, and carrying out other responsibilities as set forth by Mississippi state statutes.

District 1
Dean Hatcher
Phone: 662-907-0546

District 2
Brandon Anderson
Phone: 662-907-0754

District 3
Sam Matthews
Phone: 662-907-0754

District 4
Jessie Mason
Phone: 662-907-1031

District 5
Willie Smith
Phone: 662-907-0233
Contact Information:
PO Box 218
Rolling Fork, MS 39159-0218
Phone: 662-873-2755
Fax: 662-873-6045
Board Meetings
All board meetings are at 9:00 a.m. every first and third Monday of the month unless there is a holiday and then the board meeting would be the next working day of the month.
To Appear Before The Board
If you wish to appear before the Board of Supervisors to discuss an important matter pertaining to the county, you must notify the Board Office not later than noon on the Wednesday prior to the Monday meeting. Any backup information and/or exhibits pertaining to the matter you wish to discuss must be delivered to the Board Office by the same deadline. If you have been scheduled to appear before the Board, or if you have a matter to be discussed and you would like to have it dismissed from the agenda, please contact the Board Office prior to the beginning of the meeting.
Sharkey-Issaquena Hospital – Accountability and Transparency Report